I started this blog to chronicle the adventures of being a new mom in Marin County. So far, in the 17 months since I gladly took on the title of Marin Mama, every day has been a blessing, of course, the standard tantrum or poopy diaper included as part of the blessing. It is with a whole heart that I enjoy living in one of the most naturally beautiful places on Earth, with thousands of nature lovers who not only embrace but enthuse the good points of getting out into Marin County; full of wondrous trails, gorgeous peaks by the sea, ancient redwoods and pedestrian friendly paths. The kid and I, we get out, we explore, we sing, we play.
This Marin Mama is very grateful that she's able to work weekends and stay at home during the week. This is all possible of course, because of Marin Daddy, at least, our Marin Daddy. He works hard, drives faster than I'd like in order to get home before bedtime or, if he's lucky, dinnertime. He doesn't get to go for a walk in the middle of the day. He doesn't get to stroll through the mall or go to Jumping Jacks or story time. He calls on his lunch break and wants to know what we've been doing with our day. It's times such as this that I ponder the roles of mother and father and usually I'm pretty happy that I'm the Marin Mama. My career prior to mother was a good one and I still have a small side business. I loved my job, no doubt, but I love being a stay-at-home-mother (SAHM) more than I ever imagined possible.
The Marin Daddy in our house is a hands-on-dad, when he's home. Since I work at least one weekend day, that's Daddy Day in our house, and usually, when I see the munch (my daughter) after Daddy Day, she's usually wearing an outfit I would never have picked and the house is often times pretty cluttered. The baby is sometimes dirty like she's been playing outdoors for hours upon end, she's sleepy and always, always, blissfully happy. These things, which sometimes add to my exhaustion, always make me happy because it's clear how much those two enjoy their time together, without Mommy. I am so grateful that my husband is so in love with our daughter. Unfortunately, not all fathers are willing to changes diapers, do a bath or even be a parent. There is no "babysitting" the munch when daddy's on duty, it's just daddy and baby time.
He is the unsung hero of The Chronicles, he is a fabulous father and I know that my daughter is one of the luckiest little girls in Marin County, maybe even, the whole world.
I laughed about what Mozelle and the house often look like after a day with dad....same here. The outfits dads decide on are pretty hilarious, John says he just picks what's on top :) If there's one thing I do know about Seth, it's that he LOVES being a dad! Nice blog Gabs :)