Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reporting From Fifteen Weeks In….There's Light!

It's been nearly four months since the lil' guy showed up and added his own groove to our family circle. He's plump, adorable and active. Big sister is in love with him, as are my husband and I. At this point, we are starting to notice a few things.

#1.  We should have named him Houdini. The dude would not be swaddled without a fight. This kid, in the blurry, early weeks, hated swaddling in the will-fight-for-an-hour, kick legs viciously, wiggle and worm his way to freedom, those blankets will NOT stay around me kind of way. Our first child loved it, loved being wrapped into a burrito of blankets but so far, number two wants to be free, free, free, to wave his hands, chew his fists and stretch out. Most night when I come in to feed him, he's completely unwrapped and happy, happy, happy.

#2.  My baby books were helpful… but I'm not a failure for breaking rank.   I would find myself frantically thumbing through the dog-eared Mommy Guide, the super duper helpful tome to which I dutifully adhered while grooming my little lady for good sleep habits, eating habits etc., etc. Yeah, some of it works this time as well, but some of it doesn't. Some of it just doesn't apply to moms dealing with an active toddler or pre-schooler or just about any age schooler. This time around I'm trying to go with the flow, take it easy and remember no one, no mom, or dad, can do it all or be perfect.

#3.  I had SO much free time when there was only one. Only recently, as he can manage to stay up for a couple of hours and therefore has started taking longer naps, will he sleep for longer than 45 minutes. When kiddo numero uno is also on the scene, forget about it. Going to the bathroom is about all the alone time granted this mama until lights out.

#4. There is enough love for everyone. My heart is so open. The little guy is so great and so much fun already, I'm so excited to watch another fabulous human being discover what this life and this earth has to offer in the way of food, music, color, friends, reading, running, playing, nature and love. While I was pregnant with him, and I know all parents must have these thoughts, I couldn't help thinking, will I feel differently about him? Will I resent the time it takes away from my first child? Will I be so worn out I won't be able to savor the tiny moments that fly by in a flash? No, it turns out, I have time and space for all it of it. The love for your own is incredible!

#5. The second sibling factor. Quite simply, it's crazy wild. I am watching my second baby do nothing but watch his very energetic sister all hours of the day. Granted, I'm pretty sure he's not thrilled when she's about one inch away from his face, nearly screaming at him, "goo, goo, gaaaaa, blah!! WAaaa!!" He's been startled a few times but nevertheless, his eyes are on her, as she whirls, twirls and jumps her way through the day. No joke, the second sibling is learning faster than the first one ever did, he has a perfect example in his big sister.

It's been a fast and furious four months and things are looking up. I've got this thing called motherhood where I want it, and I am so lucky to be able to take a front row seat at the story of my children's lives.

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